Money Back Guarantee

At, customer satisfaction is one of our top priorities. If you are unsatisfied with your NeuroXL software purchase, please contact us within 30 days of the date of purchase to claim your full refund.

All questions about refunds, including a detailed explanation of why you wish to cancel your order, must be sent from your registration email address to our Helpdesk. We will review your request within 72 hours. Once your refund has been approved, we will issue a full refund on your account.

Due to the digital nature of our products, only valid claims for refunds shall be considered. As with all in-store purchases, it is the customers responsibility to determine whether the product is appropriate for them before purchasing it. Please review the product’s description on our website carefully before making a purchase. If you have any questions about the product and its functionality, please contact our Helpdesk. We strongly advise you to take advantage of using the product during a free trial evaluation period after making a purchase of subscription. All this may help avoid extra procedures and spare a lot of our mutual efforts and time.

Please note that on receiving a refund you are obligated to remove the software and all related files from all your computers and every data medium; your further use of the software will be regarded as illegal. We reserve the right to demand the guarantee letter from the customer, at our own discretion. We also reserve the right to refuse any refund request, at our own discretion, should we determine that a customer is not providing valid grounds for a refund or is abusing our money back guarantee policy.

Return policy is void in cases of fraudulent activity. Fraudulent returns are considered stolen property and a violation of US and International Copyright laws. We reserve the right to notify appropriate parties and credit agencies in such cases.


- The sale of our software products will be temporarily suspended.
- The purpose is to implement upgrades and improvements to all our products.

August 10, 2023


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I can definitely recommend NeuroXL software to any individual or business that would like to take advantage of the power of artificial neural networks in analyzing complex data.

Dr. Jean-Michel Jaquet
